Learning Societies unConference
Learning Societies unConference
What are your experiments with expanding human consciousness?

The Learning Societies UnConference seeks to bring together all kinds of people who are resisting monoculture of the mind and co-creating diverse learning communities, sustainable learning spaces, creative un/learning processes, etc. for new models of happiness, well-being, decolonisation and swaraj. The 'unconference' was initiated by Shikshantar Andolan and many radical friends all around India in 2002, see www.shikshantar.org. Its deepest intent is as a meeting of hearts, deepening the spirit of friendship and maitri, and shifting from a schooling society to a learning society.

We believe in many streaming, not mainstreaming. We are inviting different alternative streams to come together in the spirit of co-creation: alternative educators, homeschoolers, unschoolers, worldschoolers, cultural creatives, artists, upcyclers designers, activists, healers, organic farmers, eco-architects, spiritual explorers, giftivists and community-builders, filmmakers, grandmothers, social entrepreneurs, ecologists, nature lovers, crazy walkouts, etc. You will find the most inspiring people and experiments in the world for re-imagining education here.

The Learning Societies UnConference is entirely organized in the spirit of gift culture. We feel everyone is a volunteer, a learner, a teacher, a co-creator with many gifts to share to help build the larger community ecosystem. The 'agenda' is emergent and self-organizing. We are all co-creators of the program. You can host workshops, host circles, host stalls, give speeches, sing, dance, play games, offer and share your knowledge, experiences and questions.
To get a better sense about this one-of-a-kind event, read - LSUC2017 Love Letters and LSUC2020 Love LettersAlso have a look at - What is an UNconference?
If you are still confused about what it is all about, that's okay. Just breathe... Be open to being surprised... Or search for the secret clues by talking to people who have attended in the past.
We are requesting that you stay for a minimum of 4 days - anything less means that you will miss out on too much and you will not be able to contribute much to co-creating the unconference process/energy. We will not accept participants who are coming for only 1 or 2 days. There is a strict no drug, alcohol and smoking policy at the LSUC for the safety/comfort of all participants - anyone found having any drugs or alcohol at the event will be asked to leave immediately.

There will be shared accommodation available on the site. You must register each member of your family (over the age of 5) so that we can arrange proper beds. In addition, we are also encouraging people to bring tents to the venue to stay in as part of the desert tent community pop-up village. There are also hotels and guest houses nearby if you want to make a private booking.
We encourage you to start organizing your travel so that you can journey together in a caravan from your place. Also make sure to wear yellow as your travel so you can spot other LSUCers on way. The magic of the LSUC will start as soon you leave your home...

CO-HOSTED BY: Shikshantar Andolan · Gandhi Vidya Mandir · Ecoversities Alliance · Indian Multiversities Network · Vikalp Sangam · Amrit Anna Organic Alliance · Organic Farming Association of India · Swashikshan Association of Indian Homeschoolers · Creative Movement Therapy Association of India · Swaraj University · Creativity Adda · Rajasthan Kabir Yatra · Digital Empowerment Foundation · Vision Karnataka Foundation · Gandhi Fellowship · ISETILAB Incubator Foundation · Quest Alliance · Banyan Tree Bookstore · The Other India Bookstore · Blue Ribbon Movement · YES Jam · Youth Alliance · Game-a-thon · Project DEFY · Djed Foundation · Bhoomi College · The Dharavi Dream Project · Banyan Roots Organic · The MoveVent Project · Aarambh Waldorf School · Aarohi Life Education Trust · Learners Collective Foundation · Pitaara · Laa Po Laa Theatre in Education · Purple Mangoes Clownversity · Prem-a-Culture · Zero Waste Lifestyle-India · Abhivyakti Media for Development · Unlearning Ashram · Vimukt Shiksha Yatra · Possibilities · Moved by Love · Farmversities Network